How did we get here? WordPress?

This was when I set up the blog in WordPress.


Isn’t WordPress for non-technical people? Why would I use WordPress?

Also, why am I starting a blog? Didn’t I say that I don’t need a blog?

The reality

Well, if I wrote something moderately decent and long, I need a more decent place for it other than GitHub issues and Reddit.

Of course, I could use GitHub Pages to make a static site, but people wouldn’t be able to comment on that.

Of course, I could set up a whole server with a JavaScript front-end library (probably Svelte) and a back-end with Rust, deploy it on Amazon lambda, and connect it to a PostgreSQL database. That would be really cool. But, then, I would probably need to find a domain for it and pay $20 a year… I don’t want to.

Also, people don’t care about you knowing how to mess with AWS, they only appreciate the silly CSS tricks they see that makes up the front-end. So, setting up a server manually and hosting a blog probably would not be worth it.

What I get with WordPress

  • A subdomain.
  • Free content server.
  • No setup, I just write and post.


For now, that is it. I’ll post random articles here. But, I will manually keep a Markdown copy on GitHub.


Steven Hé (Sīchàng)’s Blogs