Sichang He (Steven)
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science GitHub & YouTube @SichangHe
University of Southern California Website
University of Southern California (USC) Aug. 2024 present Los Angeles, USA
Ph.D. student in Computer Science Advisor: Dr. Harsha V. Madhyastha
Research focus: User-facing measurements and enhancements of the Web.
Selected courses with projects:
Advanced Computer Networking (A+): JSphere: measure webpages’ browser API calls to classify JavaScript.
Duke Kunshan University (DKU) & Duke University Dual Degree Aug. 2020 May 2024
B.S. in Data Science (by DKU) & Kunshan, China &
B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies (Subplan: Data Science, by Duke) Durham, NC
In addition to studies in Data Science, completed many courses in Computer Science and Mathematics, effectively
emulating a triple major.
Selected courses with projects:
Computer Network Architecture (A+): async TCP server and client in Elixir and CLI REPL shell in Rust.
Data Acquisition and Visualization (A): Poster using D3.js, Svelte, and TypeScript.
Computer Organization and Programming (A+, at Duke): Binary search tree in MIPS assembly and ring buffer
in C; fifth place in PizzaCalc assembly length optimization competition (68 lines).
Numerical Analysis (A+); Intro Abstract Algebra (at Duke), Complex Analysis (A).
Achieved full grade on all five courses at Duke University in the Fall 2022 semester.
Zhixin High School Aug. 2017 Jun. 2020 Guangzhou, China
Chemistry Olympiad competition team; Biology Olympiad competition team.
Conference Publication
[1] Sichang He, Italo Cunha, and Ethan Katz-Bassett. “RPSLyzer: Characterization and Verification of
Policies in Internet Routing Registries”. In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Internet Measurement Conference.
Nov. 2024. url:
[2] Sichang He, Beilong Tang, Boyan Zhang, Jiaqi Shao, Xiaomin Ouyang, Daniel Nata Nugraha, and
Bing Luo. “FedKit: Enabling Cross-Platform Federated Learning for Android and iOS”. In: IEEE INFOCOM
2024-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). May 2024. url:
Research Experience
Research Assistant Aug. 2024 present
Networked Systems Lab, USC Advisor: Dr. Harsha V. Madhyastha
Surveyed usage, weakness, and extensions of the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).
Detect, understand, and respond to AI-generated contents on the Web, their characteristics, cause, and effects.
Independent Researcher on Internet Route Verification Apr. 2023 May 2024
Independent research, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil (Remote) Advisor: Dr. Italo Cunha
Designed and implemented an efficient and comprehensive parser for the Routing Policy Specification Language
(RPSL), a language used in the Internet Routing Registry to document public interdomain routing policies, guide
public peering, and aid routing issue troubleshooting.
Studied and complied with RPSL semantics in RFCs, covering over 99% of all real-world RPSL use cases.
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Optimized the parser to interpret and verify hundreds of millions of routes per hour.
Found RPSL usage varied widely among autonomous systems (ASes).
Employed the RPSL parser to verify observed interdomain routes; analyzed verification reports and identified com-
mon RPSL usage patterns and usage mistakes.
Provided tooling to verify routes against the RPSL, helping improve interdomain routing security.
Identified and implemented checks for 6 major explanations to why routes fail to match the relevant RPSL.
Research Assistant for Mobile Federated Learning (FL) Project Mar. 2023 May. 2024
The FedCampus Team
, EdgeIntelligence Lab, DKU Advisor: Dr. Bing Luo
Authored FedKit, open-source SDKs to streamline real-world FL experiments across Android and iOS devices,
enabling training shared ML models collaboratively without sharing private data on smartphones.
Contributed to the Flower FL framework: revamped the Android example; helped correct the iOS example.
Led and managed the systems development for the FedCampus Android/iOS app, leveraging personal health data
from over 100 participants to conduct real-world FL and federated analytics experiments on DKU campus.
Supervised and mentored four undergrads and one M. Eng. student in mobile and web development.
Investigated and led core technology adoption, including Flower, Kotlin, and Flutter, facilitating development.
Research Assistant for Search Engine Research Project Dec. 2021 May 2023
The Search So Team, DKU Advisor: Dr. Jiang Long
Developed a feature-rich open source web scraper in async Rust to scrape DKU sites, intranet, and Duke sites.
Improved backend HTML processing, frontend interface, and version control.
[1] Bing Luo and Sichang He. FedCampus: a Privacy-preserving Data Platform for Smart Campus with
Federated Learning and Analytics. Flower AI Summit, 2024. Mar. 2024. url:
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Programming, DKU Nov. 2021 Mar. 2022
Hosted weekly lab sessions; created the course’s first video tutorial on development environment setup.
Math & CompSci. Tutor, Academic Resource Center, DKU May 2021 May 2022
Obtained CRLA’s International Tutor Training Program Certification, Level I .
Senior Scholar-Athlete Award through the Running Club, DKU Athletics (Apr. 2024)
Silver Medal, International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) 2022 DKU Team (Oct. 2022)
Developed the team wiki independently; helped non-technical members adopt Git; validated protein designs with
modeling software.
Dean’s List (Spring 2021) & Dean’s List with Distinction (Fall 2021, Fall 2022, Spring 2023), DKU
Chancellor’s Scholarship & UGRD Entrance Scholarship, DKU (merit-based, Fall 2020 Spring 2024)
Side Projects
Open Source Developer & Maintainer of Rust Crates Nov. 2022 present
mdBook-KaTeX, a math expression preprocessor for mdBook with over 90,000+ downloads on
Took over maintainership by publishing a fork when it was unmaintained.
Fixed numerous bugs and developed new features, resolving more than 20 GitHub issues others had opened.
Improved speed by over 10 times by adopting parallelism and avoiding repeated rendering.
mdBook Language Server for instantaneous live previews. Diff-friendly plain-text and Markdown formatters.
Author of Open Source Web Forum Using Ruby on Rails Jun. 2022 Aug. 2022
Featured infinitely nested comments; deployed on Heroku.
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Chinese Editor & Translator at DKU Intersections Journal Jun. 2021 Aug. 2021
Co-translated three English articles into Chinese; reviewed and edited multiple articles and Intersections’ website.
Natural Language Mandarin (native), Cantonese (fluent).
Programming Language
Invested and proficient: Rust, Python, Elixir, JavaScript.
Used in projects: Kotlin, Dart, Swift, Ruby, Java, Lua, TypeScript, Svelte, HTML, CSS, C, SQL, Racket, L
Familiar: C++, Fish, Bash, Julia, Go, Erlang, Gleam, VimScript, Elisp, Mathematica, MATLAB, Scala, R.
Computer Software
Selected frameworks/libraries: Playwright, Django, Phoenix Framework, Tokio, Tailwindcss, D3.js.
Selected development experience: SSH, Tmux, Neovim, Docker, Kubernetes, Evcxr, Arch Linux, Hackintosh.
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