Introduction to Databases
information: data with meaning
knowledge: actionable information
exploratory data analysis (EDA)
relation ≈ table
data definition language (DDL): for schema
data manipulation language (DML): for query and CRUD
DML & DDL both in SQL
data model (DM): entity, attribute, relationship, constraint
entity relationship diagram (E-R diagram) (ER diagram)
unified modeling language (UML): for OODM
relation schema
relation instance
- element
attribute usually atomic
superkey : subset of row tuple, bijection with row
- superset of is also superkey
candidate key = minimal superkey
union compatibility/ type compatibility
data control language (DCL) & transaction control language (TCL): management
: any substring %
, any char _
for where clause filter: like, between, some, all
for where clause standalone: exists, unique
union, intersect, except (all)
select x, fn(y) from _ group by x having …
boolean type: true, false, unknown
select _ from _ where x in y;
-- lateral clause:
select _ from x, lateral (/* access outside variables */) …;
-- with clause:
with alias_name as (…) select …;
delete from _ where _;
insert into table_name (attributes, …) values (…,), (…,), …
update table_name set attributes = value where …;
-- join using
select _ from relation1 join relation2 using (attr1, …);
-- view/ materialized view
create view view_name as select …;
create materialized view view_name as select …;
domain constraint on single relation: not null
, unique
, check (…)
referential integrity: foreign key (attr1) references table_name on delete …
named constraint: attr1 type, constraint constr_name check (…)
- drop named constraint:
alter table table_name drop constraint constr_name;
- deferrable constraint: check at end of transaction
create assertion assert_name check (…);
function call
coalesce(attr1, default_value_in_place_of_null)
cast(attr1 as type)
data_format(value, 'format string')
if(predicate, value_when_true, value_when_false)
in Oracle
user-defined type (UDT): distinct type/ structured data type
create type type_name as …;
create domain domain_name as …;
create table extension
create table table2 like table1;
create table table1 as (select …) with data;
stored function/ stored procedure:
delimiter $$
create function fn_name(arg1 type1, …) returns type_out begin
-- declare local variable, set to NULL by default
declare local_var var_type default default_val;
-- mutate local variable
set local_var = …;
select _ into local_var from …;
return …;
end $$
-- `type_out` can be a `table (…)`—table function
create procedure proc_name(
in arg_input type1, out arg_output type2, inout arg_mutate type3, …
) begin
-- …
end $$
-- no returning for procedure
delimiter ;
-- call procedure
call proc_name(args…, @outside_var);
stored function: deterministic/ non-deterministic (default)
procedural SQL:
-- expression with pattern matching
case -- optionally with value here
when _ then _
else _
-- loop
label1: loop
iterate; -- continue
leave; -- break
end loop;
while predicate1 do
-- …
end while;
-- …
until predicate1 end repeat;
for each_row as table_value1 do
-- …
end for;
create trigger trigger_name after insert on table_name -- or `before`, `delete`
referencing new row as row_name for each row when ( -- or `old row`.
-- or without renaming `new` or `old`.
-- …
begin -- compound statement
-- multiple trigger
create trigger trigger_name before update on table_name
for each row follows another_trigger_name begin
-- …
end, $$
error handling:
declare continue handle for sqlstate 'err_no' begin -- or for `not found`
-- …
end; -- or `set _ = …`
declare cur_name for select _ from _;
open cur_name;
fetch cur_name into var1, …;
close cur_name;
entity-relationship model (E-R model): entity set, relationship set, attribute
- multi-valued attribute, composite attribute, derived attribute
- mapping cardinality, cardinality constraint (directed/undirected link)
- total participation (double line)/ partial participation
- weak entity set
- identifying entity set primary key → discriminator attribute
- descriptive attribute
lossy decomposition: (lossless: )
functional dependency (FD) : can uniquely identify by
- trivial FD:
- lossless decomposition (or swap 1&2)
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF): or superkey
mean time to failure MTTF
RAID: data striping vs mirror
fixed-length record: deletion: free list for deletion
variable-length record: offset + length, null bitmap
heap: free-space map (first/second-level)
sequential file: linked list of sorted search key
multi-table clustering file organization: faster some join & slower some other, cluster key
table partitioning
buffer manager: buffer replacement strategy (LRU/MRU), pin/unpin, shared/exclusive lock
column-oriented storage: less IO, better caching & compression
dense index: index for each search-key value
- dense clustering index: group by cluster key
sparse index: index for some search-key value
deadlock prevention:
- wait-die scheme, non-preemptive: older transaction wait for lock, younger transaction die
- wound-die scheme, preemptive: older transaction wound younger transaction when waiting for lock
- timeout-based scheme: hard to determine timeout, starvation
- wait-for graph: cycle → deadlock
recovery system:
- log-based recovery: redo/undo, immediate/deferred DB modification