switch user to root and do
file & directory
print working directory
list file in path
ls [path]
change working directory to path
, by default to ~
cd [path]
go up one directory
cd ..
go back to the last directory
cd -
copy one file to a given directory [and name it as instructed (the new name cannot be a local folder’s name, or it will just copy it there)]
cp <original file path> <new copy’s parent folder path>[/<new copy’s name>]
copy recursively one folder to a given directory
if the new directory does not exist, the command will create it
cp -r <original folder path> <new copy’s parent folder path>
remove one file
rm <file path>
remove recursively one folder
rm -r <folder path>
remove one empty folder
rmdir <folder path>
make directory
run the file
./<file name>
system information
display [human-readable (i.e., in MB, GB, etc.)] file system disk space usage
df [-h]
disk usage for this directory
du [path]
free and used memory in the system [in megabytes]
free [-m]
table of processes
print all system information: name, kernel, etc.
uname -a
print version information for the linux release
lsb_release -a
add a new user
adduser <new user’s name>
assign password to the user
passwd <user name>
manual for the command
man <command>
introduction to linux command-line
man intro
search in manual what is <string>
whatis -r <string>
show command you input with numbers before them
Ctrl + R
search for command you input
cursor navigation
Ctrl + A/ Home
move cursor to start of line
Ctrl + E/ End
move cursor to end of line
Ctrl + B
move cursor to beginning of word
Ctrl + K
delete to the end of line
Ctrl + U
delete to start of line
Ctrl + W
delete word
Alt + B
go back one word
Alt + F
go forward one word
Alt + C
capitalize the letter and move cursor to end of word
ANSI terminal escape sequence
control sequence introducer (CSI): \033[
clear screen and return to home: \033[2J\033[H
clear line and return to left: \033[2K\r