Analysis of selected YouTube scripts API calls


let mut logs = read_logs("headless_browser/target/").unwrap();
let i_log = logs
    .max_by_key(|(_, LogFile { records, .. })| records.len())
    .map(|(i, _)| i)

// Aggregate API calls.
let mut aggregate = RecordAggregate::default();
for entry in &logs[i_log].records {
    let (line, record) = entry.clone();
    if let Err(err) = aggregate.add(line as u32, record) {
        println!("{line}: {err}");

let mut ids = aggregate.scripts.keys().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for id in &ids {
    let script = &aggregate.scripts[id];
        "{id} line#{} source~{}kB used {} APIs {:?} {:?}",
        script.source.len() / 1024,

6 line#348 source~0kB used 0 APIs Not Url("")
7 line#351 source~0kB used 2 APIs Not Url("")
8 line#355 source~3kB used 6 APIs Not Url("")
9 line#363 source~0kB used 5 APIs Not Url("")
10 line#372 source~0kB used 0 APIs Not Url("")
11 line#374 source~2kB used 14 APIs Not Url("")
12 line#831 source~37kB used 44 APIs Not Url("")
13 line#951 source~14kB used 19 APIs Not Url("")
14 line#1112 source~8466kB used 1147 APIs Not Url("")
15 line#413 source~50kB used 37 APIs Not Url("")
16 line#591 source~5kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
17 line#782 source~5kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
18 line#796 source~11kB used 17 APIs Not Url("")
19 line#717 source~9kB used 28 APIs Not Url("")
20 line#467 source~2kB used 8 APIs Not Url("")
21 line#482 source~77kB used 168 APIs Not Url("")
22 line#595 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
23 line#607 source~445kB used 6 APIs Not Url("")
24 line#705 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
25 line#947 source~0kB used 0 APIs Not Url("")
26 line#986 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
27 line#998 source~0kB used 3 APIs Not Url("")
28 line#1009 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
30 line#1021 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
31 line#1036 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
32 line#1048 source~0kB used 2 APIs Not Url("")
33 line#1054 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
34 line#1066 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
35 line#1078 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
36 line#1090 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
37 line#1101 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
41 line#89054 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
42 line#89187 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
43 line#89498 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
44 line#89581 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
45 line#89653 source~0kB used 4 APIs Not Url("")
46 line#89728 source~0kB used 14 APIs Not Url("")
47 line#89775 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
48 line#89858 source~0kB used 0 APIs Not Url("")
49 line#89863 source~0kB used 1 APIs Not Url("")
50 line#92474 source~11kB used 5 APIs Injected Empty
55 line#94972 source~0kB used 0 APIs Injected Empty
56 line#94977 source~0kB used 4 APIs Injected Eval { parent_script_id: 50 }
58 line#94996 source~0kB used 4 APIs Injected Eval { parent_script_id: 50 }
61 line#95117 source~227kB used 126 APIs Injected Eval { parent_script_id: 50 }
64 line#95189 source~0kB used 0 APIs Interaction Eval { parent_script_id: 50 }
65 line#260337 source~277kB used 202 APIs Not Url("")

Selected scripts inspection is part of the Closure Library to detect if the page is tempered. The API calls is clearly mainly for extensional features, gathering information from userAgent and doing math:

for (api_call, lines) in &aggregate.scripts[&18].api_calls {
        "{}/{} times: {api_call:?}",

0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Symbol") }
0/4 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("yt") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Navigator", attr: Some("userAgentData") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Object") }
0/6 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Navigator", attr: Some("userAgent") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("execScript") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("String") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("window") }
0/7 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("navigator") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "Navigator", attr: Some("get userAgentData") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("WeakMap") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Array") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Set") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Math") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("ytbin") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Set, this: "Window", attr: Some("ytbin") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Map") } contains the Polymer code that generates HTML. These are mainly event-related APIs for frontend processing and APIs for DOM element generation (perhaps a bit of UX enhancement as well):

for (api_call, lines) in &aggregate.scripts[&14].api_calls {
    if lines.len() > 1000 {
            "{}/{} times: {api_call:?}",

21747/22409 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDivElement", attr: Some("usePatchedLifecycles") }
21740/21792 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "HTMLDivElement", attr: Some("querySelectorAll") }
10185/10187 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "DocumentFragment", attr: Some("appendChild") }
2433/2434 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Event", attr: Some("type") }
43621/45032 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDivElement", attr: Some("tagName") }
7139/7143 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "HTMLBodyElement", attr: Some("appendChild") }
10185/10226 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "DocumentFragment", attr: Some("isConnected") }
21754/21780 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDivElement", attr: Some("isConnected") }
6303/6449 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "DocumentFragment", attr: Some("children") }
3786/3803 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "DocumentFragment", attr: Some("get children") }
2478/2480 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Event", attr: Some("pageY") }
7139/7143 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLBodyElement", attr: Some("isConnected") }
0/8817 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Reflect") }
2478/2480 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Event", attr: Some("target") }
2478/2480 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Event", attr: Some("pageX") }
2064/2065 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Event", attr: Some("keyCode") }
10717/10717 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "HTMLBodyElement", attr: Some("removeChild") }

Interestingly, most of these calls are done after interaction began, probably during YouTube’s navigation-less page switching. I.e., YouTube does not load a new page when you click a link, but instead swaps out the content of the current page and changes the URL.

The script with context id 23 on line #607 embedded in the HTML only sets a large 440kB JSON for various string templates for the UI (e.g., Downloading 1 video...), thus kind of counts as DOM element generation:

for (api_call, lines) in &aggregate.scripts[&23].api_calls {
        "{}/{} times: {api_call:?}",

0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Set, this: "Window", attr: Some("ytcfg") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("innerWidth") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("innerHeight") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Set, this: "Window", attr: Some("ytplayer") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("ytcfg") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("yt") } only calls a few APIs, but hits the ones we are interested in for frontend processing, DOM element generation, and extensional features. It seems to contain a portion of the structured page fragments (SPF) library used for dynamic content fetching and rendering.

for (api_call, lines) in &aggregate.scripts[&13].api_calls {
        "{}/{} times: {api_call:?}",

0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "Window", attr: Some("addEventListener") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Symbol") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "Window", attr: Some("postMessage") }
0/4 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("removeEventListener") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("spf") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Array") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("postMessage") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDivElement", attr: Some("style") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDocument", attr: Some("createElement") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "Window", attr: Some("removeEventListener") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "HTMLDocument", attr: Some("createElement") }
0/4 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("addEventListener") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Performance", attr: Some("timing") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "Performance", attr: Some("get timing") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("Math") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Set, this: "Window", attr: Some("spf") }
0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "MessageEvent", attr: Some("data") }
0/1 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Performance", attr: Some("now") }
0/3 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "Window", attr: Some("performance") }

Script with ID 27 on line #998 only loads fonts (UX enhancements).

for (api_call, lines) in &aggregate.scripts[&27].api_calls {
        "{}/{} times: {api_call:?}",

0/2 times: ApiCall { api_type: Function, this: "FontFaceSet", attr: Some("load") }
0/3 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "FontFaceSet", attr: Some("load") }
0/4 times: ApiCall { api_type: Get, this: "HTMLDocument", attr: Some("fonts") }

println!("{}", &aggregate.scripts[&27].source);
if (document.fonts && document.fonts.load) {document.fonts.load("400 10pt Roboto", ""); document.fonts.load("500 10pt Roboto", "");}